Terreno South is the pioneering foray of Rockwell Land Corporation into horizontal development in Lipa City, Batangas. A residential community that is both at the heart of verdant landscapes and within reach of the city’s convenience, Terreno South truly offers beautifully curated residential lots that allow for extraordinary living, where your family can enjoy the expansive open spaces, thousands of mature trees, and lifestyle spaces that perfectly suits your needs.
Be part of our story and conquer new heights in living the life you deserve– a life that’s truly exciting and truly refreshing.

Terreno South redefines Lipa residential landscape by preserving thousands of mature trees currently present onsite which allows for a 1:1 House to Tree ratio, where in each lot for sale will have an accompanying tree during the turnover of lots to our residents.
Request quote on pre-selling lots in Lipa, Batangas here.